December 3, 2008
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Matt Kennedy, Michael Scott, Leonard Anderson, Ken Strom, and Anthony Costello
Members Absent: Robert Lowell
Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre
Others: Brad and Jill Erickson, Alton Stone
The meeting began at 7:00 PM
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION - Mark Circle (Lot 1, Lot 3, Lot 4) - Lot 1 has not placed boulders to delineate the 25' buffer zone from the wetland line as depicted on the approved plans. Lots 3 and 4 have lawn intrusion in the 25' no disturb area. Applicant must determine the square footage of the buffer and propose preservation of an equal area or restore the 25' no disturb zone.
NOTICE OF INTENT - 315 Mason Road - Continued until January 7, 2009.
NOTICE OF INTENT - Rondeau Rd - Tree clearing. During the site walk, the Commission found flags to be missing. Applicant will replace the missing flags, submit revised plans showing the elimination of the two small basins on the east side, show the large basin on the south side, and provide pole locations. The plan must also show no work on Rondeau Road other than the haul/access/skidder/road. The Commission stated that the Order of Conditions be held until 2 copies of the revised plans are resubmitted to the Conservation Commission.
ENFORCEMENT ORDER - 96 Malden Street - K. Strom will contact owner and explain violations. Owner is dumping yard waste in an intermittent stream.
K. Strom made the motion to close the hearing. M. Scott seconded the motion. All were in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 7, 2009.
December 3, 2008 minutes were approved February 4, 2009.
Teresa T. McIntyre, Recording Secretary